
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

Pernah Nggak Sih, Memperhatikan Perilaku Berbahasa Teman-Teman di Sekitar Kalian?

Gambar        Dalam berinteraksi sehari-hari, setiap orang memiliki perilaku berbahasa yang berbeda. Perilaku berbahasa maksudnya adalah sikap seseorang dalam memilih suatu bahasa. Pilihan itu dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya pergaulan. Biasanya perilaku berbahasa seseorang terpengaruh dari lingkungan pergaulan. Misal, seseorang yang bergaul dengan orang yang berbahasa Indonesia, maka ia juga akan berbicara dengan bahasa Indonesia. Begitupun dengan seseorang yang bergaul dengan orang yang terbiasa berbahasa daerah, maka ia akan berbahasa daerah dengan teman-teman sepergaulannya.  Di artikel ini, saya akan membahas tentang perilaku berbahasa teman-teman di sekitar saya.  Perilaku Berbahasa Teman-Temanku      Teman-teman saya berasal dari berbagai daerah, sebagian besar berasal dari Sumatera Barat. Bagi yang mengerti bahasa minang, maka mereka menuturkannya sehari-hari. Alasan kenapa ...

What Can We Learn From BFG (Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dahl

Gambar      The BFG (Big Friendly Giant) attracts people because of its anti mainstream character displayed by the author. Storytelling about friendship of a kindhearted giant with a little girl named Sophie also intrigues the readers, how could it happen?      The encounter between the two distinct creatures began when Sophie was kidnapped by BFG at night. The BFG worried Sophie would spread the words that she saw a giant. Although she was afraid and tried to escape at first, Sophie finally realized that BFG is different from other giants. BFG does not eat human being, but he is a vegetarian. BFG argues that eating human being is a crime, and so does Sophie. Having the same opinion makes them understand each other and work together to against the evil giants. At the end of the story, they were able to defeat those giants with the Queen of England’s help.      There are some moral lessons that the ...

Book Review: The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway

Gambar     ‘ The Old Man and The Sea’ is an adventure novel written by Ernest Miller Hemingway, an American author and Journalist. This novel is the most phenomenal work of Hemingway, which brought him winning a Pulitzer Prize  in 1952 and a Nobel Prize  in 1954. This novel also became the last novel that Hemingway wrote. In his career as an author, Hemingway has published seven novels, six collections of short stories, and two nonfictions. Another works of him such as, “The Sun Also Rises”, “A Farewell to Arms”, “From Whom The Bell Tolls”, and others.        This novel tells a story about an old Cuba fisherman, Santiago, who spends eighty-five days on his boat for sailing. He is being called as ‘salao’ which means the worst version of unluckiness. Santiago has a young apprentice, Manolin. Manolin uses to go sailing with Santiago, but since his parents forbid him to stay w...

Pernikahan dalam Adat Budaya Minangkabau

Gambar      Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki budaya dan adat istiadat yang berbeda-beda dan telah diikuti oleh penganutnya untuk waktu yang lama. Tradisi bagi masyarakat di daerah merupakan pedoman yang harus dilaksanakan atau dipatuhi untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan. Salah satu contohnya adalah pernikahan. Tulisan ini akan menguraikan tentang tradisi perkawinan dalam budaya Minangkabau.           Pertama, rata-rata usia perkawinan bagi laki-laki dan perempuan di Minangkabau adalah masing-masing sekitar 28 tahun dan 25 tahun. Usia tersebut dianggap sebagai usia ideal untuk menikah. Ada banyak cara bagi pria dan wanita untuk bertemu dan berkencan. Beberapa orang mungkin bertemu secara tidak sengaja, bertemu atas pilihan orang tua mereka, atau telah mengenal satu sama lain sebagai teman, dan lainnya. Kemudian untuk membahas acara peresmian se...

Book Review: MATILDA by Roald Dahl

Gambar      Every parent surely loves their children. Most parents even consider their children are the best compare to the others. Parents will do everything they can do to fulfill their children’s wants, especially if it is for good, it will be greatly supported. However, it does not apply to Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood. They both have a different mindset from other parents. They regard children as a troublesome mistake.      Matilda Wormwood is a smart little girl with amazing abilities. She taught herself many things that her parents never taught her. She could read perfectly when she was three. One time Matilda asked her father for a book and was rejected, but Matilda did not give up. She went to the city library by herself to get some books. Loneliness and lack of attention from her parents actually made Matilda becomes independent. Matilda’s life at home is different from other kids. Her father is bus...